Sunday, May 5, 2013

Food Habits that will Change your Body Shape


Food Habits and Body Shape

A person’s body shape depends on his food habits. Therefore, a person who is unsatisfied with his body shape has no one to blame but himself. However, what caused the problem is also the solution in this case. Changing food habits to healthy and slimming ones can rapidly change a person’s body shape as long as it is done with conviction. Here are some food habits that you have to learn by heart, to make your body shape into a more pleasing one.

Trim the Fat off your Diet

Eat more fiber such as fruits, vegetables, and grain. Substitute red meat in your diet with fish or poultry. Chicken or turkey meat is better than red meat for it contains half the fat content. If you cannot avoid eating red meat, go lean. Trim the visible fat before cooking. Grill, roast or boil it to get rid of the invisible fat.  Top food habits include cooking with unsaturated vegetable oils like olive oil and Saffola instead of butter, lard or shortening. 

Go Non-Fat

Replace high-fat snacks like potato chips, candy bars, etc. with unbuttered popcorn, vegetables, and fruits. Go non-fat cow’s milk or soy milk instead of fresh cow’s milk. Sour cream based dressings can be replaced with low fat yogurt or cottage cheese. Skim the fat off soups by chilling them so that you can scrape off the top layer of fat. Going non-fat should be at the top of your food habits list.
Eating Habits

Food habits aren’t always literally about foods. It is also about eating. Remember to eat only when hungry. Never overeat. A common mistake made by people is relating food to negative emotions. The metabolism is much slower when there is stress on the body so remember never to eat when tired, tense or upset just for the sake of it. Eat five small meals a day rather than three big ones. Cut down on alcohol, coffee, tea and sodas. These beverages aren’t only bad for your health, they also have high calories. Do not eat late at night.

Know your Food Pyramid

There are carbohydrates that are good for you like asparagus, beans, broccoli, blueberries, cabbage, cantaloupe, citrus fruits etc. and there are bad carbohydrates such as bananas, breads, carrots, processed cereals, corn, pancakes, and potatoes. Knowing the food types and what they possess is part of good food habits. The trend nowadays is not limiting what you eat, rather knowing what you’re eating.

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