Sunday, May 5, 2013

Blood Cholesterol and Everything You Need to Know


Blood Cholesterol

What is blood cholesterol?

Blood cholesterol is also known as blood lipids or blood fats. They are basically fats in the blood. However, fat is not soluble in water like how oil does not mix with water. Thus, they are carried around in capsule-like proteins so that they can be circulated all throughout the body. Blood cholesterol has a direct influence on the rate of metabolism. This is determined by fat density and the type of protein with it. The density depends on consumption and emission from the intestine and the acceptance and excretion from cells.

Blood Cholesterol Induced Medical Conditions

Just like any substance in the body, an abnormal level, whether it is high or low, causes ailments, diseases or even fatality. One of the most common blood cholesterol induced medical conditions is hyperlipidemia. It is an abnormal elevation of the cholesterol levels in the blood. More often than not, it causes complications like cardiovascular diseases. To prevent hyperlipidemia, one must have a basic understanding of what is blood cholesterol. As mentioned beforehand, blood cholesterol is fat. Fatty foods must be avoided to lessen the risk of a lipid level upsurge.

Contrary to what most people think, Hypercholesterolemia is not a disease. Rather, it is a metabolic abnormality where patients cannot absorb cholesterol. This derangement is mainly hereditary. Its counterpart, Hypocholesterolemia has a really low level of cholesterol in the blood. It is a secondary ailment to cancer, hemorrhage, or depression. Knowing what is blood cholesterol is accounted to the understanding of a person of these diseases.

How to maintain normal blood cholesterol

Other than learning what is blood cholesterol a person must know how to maintain a normal blood cholesterol level. Cholesterol intake depends mainly upon what kinds of food are taken into the body. Thus, the first thing to do is to have a background on the kinds of fats in different types of foods. It is true that there are good fats and bad fats. Good fats are called unsaturated fats. These are found in plants. They are frequently found in olive oil, sesame oil etc. Bad fats are called saturated fats. Saturated fats are found in animal products and by-products. Dairy products, poultry, beef etc. have saturated fats. They are bad for you because their fats are in solid forms, which makes it more difficult to digest compared to unsaturated fats that are in liquid forms.

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