Sunday, May 5, 2013

Main Reasons for Hair Falling Out


Hair Falling Out

Hair falling out is experienced commonly during adulthood. It can cause thinning on the crown and frontal areas which definitely doesn’t look good. It also makes aging a lot more obvious than having white or gray hair. Although hair loss is quite normal for most people, two hundred strands of hair falling out is an abnormal condition. More often than not, people will not realize that they are suffering from severe hair loss until they have already lost a significant amount.


The main reason of hair falling out is stress. Stress develops an aggressive temperament in women which stimulates extra testosterone. Testosterone is then converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which is the main culprit responsible for hair loss. More often than not, Telogen Efluvium occurs because of stress. This phenomenon makes the hair shed faster because it rapidly moves the stages of hair development. Thus, the scalp is unable to grow out new hair to keep up with the shedding also known as the telogen phase.


A common cause of hair falling out is because of genes. It can be inherited in either sides or just one side of the family. Take note of your father’s and mother’s hair behavior so you would know at an early stage and take the necessary precautions and preventions. People with hereditary hair loss will have their hair falling out mostly in the area at the back of the bangs. Your mother’s thinning pattern can be a perfect guide for you to know where yours might be thinning too. There are so

Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal imbalance may also trigger hair loss. The hormones are responsible in keeping the body stable, and when they go awry the impact mostly goes to your hair. Hormonal imbalance may be caused by menopause, anovulatory menstrual cycle which causes progesterone levels to go to a low level.

Poor Nutrition

Growing hair, nails and maintaining the skin, needs an amount of nutrition, energy and oxygen. If a person has low amounts of nutrition, the crown would be unable to keep up with the shedding and growing of hair. Thus, this will cause a substantial amount of thinning. Poor nutrition can be attributed to an unhealthy diet or disease. Some diseases that cause a significant rate of hair falling out are hypothyroidism and lupus. Hair loss can be avoided by eating a healthy and balanced meal every day and taking supplemental vitamins.

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