Sunday, May 5, 2013

Food Patterns for a Healthy Life


Food Patterns for a Healthy Life

The new wave of thinking and believing that prevention is better than the cure is sweeping the world and is being perfected by noted medical experts. Healthy life is the best prevention, and this can be achieved by incorporating healthy food patterns in the lifestyle.

Sugar-Free Beverages

Quenching your thirst is serious business, especially when you do not know that what you put in your body may be fattening or unhealthy. Think “diet” if you want a soda. Most cola drinkers often look for the cola taste in their drinks. However, this is not particularly in line with a proper healthy life. A compromise, therefore, is a cola drink that will not add worry lines to your forehead from feeling guilty over the extra calories and chemical substances you have gulped down. So feel good and taste your cola drink minus the guilt.

Fruit and Vegetable Juices

The craze worldwide is to go natural. This explains the sudden proliferation of juice stands in malls and gyms. Natural juices are always best for the body and a healthy life. They help cleanse the system, are full of vitamins, and give you extra energy you need. While fruit juice may be more popular than vegetable juice, both types of beverages provide almost the same benefits to the body. Fruits have natural sugars and, therefore, provide a more palatable taste. Fruit juices are best taken the natural way. Avoid consuming over processed juices.

Avoid Processed Foods

Anything processes, whether canned, bottled or packaged may contain chemicals that adversely affect your health. However with the majority of processed foods in the supermarket, it is almost impossible to avoid processed foods. An essential tip for your healthy life is to read food labels before buying them. Preservatives or food additives like MSG (monosodium glutamate hydrolyzed vegetable protein sucrose) are very bad for you. Watch out for BVO (brominated vegetable oil), BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) and BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene). These additives that are common in canned foods can cause a build-up in your body and eventually change the metamorphosis of cells.

Drink Lots of Water

Parched throats, dry lips and tongue are symptoms of thirst. Do not rely on signals of thirst alone, to decide on when to drink. Healthy life means drinking enough water to replace lost fluids in your system. A person with a good water habit is quite healthy. If you do not drink sufficient amount of water, your body cells will not function properly.

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